The best way you can give financially right now is online through our donation gateway. It costs HPM $7,500 to serve one man for one year. It costs our government approximately $20,000 per year to jail one man. You can make a one-time gift or monthly recurring gift!

Any donation that is not designated to another area or is not a monthly commitment goes into the general fund. HPM operates at just under $22,000 per month. Every dollar you give helps us to keep doing what we are doing. Here is a general overview of where your money can help.
• $25 per month sponsors either one participants personal packet (essentials) or one participant on our in-house running team.
• $50 per month sponsors the water for one house for one month or sponsors the food pantry for each month.
• $100 per month sponsors the electric for one house for one month.
• $250 per month sponsors one man for one month.
• $500 per month sponsors two men for one month.